Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ten on Tuesday

1.) I have been working out a whole bunch lately. Austin loves to climb on my stomach when I am doing sit-ups. Maybe he is trying to help me cause that works my tummy out a lot more lol.

2.) Austin's 2nd tooth popped through on Saturday, YAY!!

3.)I want to plan a weekend getaway so bad. I am trying to talk Jason into it. We will see!

4.) My Mother-in-Law and I finally getting along and I think we can be friends. It took a long time, but things happen. It will be nice to have a relationship with her again. She left some nice flowers in my office (we work together) and a single white rose by Autumn's picture. She also left that courage stone. It was nice! Looking forward to the future, letting the past go.

5.) I decided to add music to my blog. These are inspiring songs to me. If my life could have a soundtrack, this would be it. Some have to do with Autumn, some Austin while others just some trials and tribulations, and happy times. This music helps me reflect and I realize how I came to be the person I am today. I like me :)

6.)The Vegas trip is getting closer. BOO!

7.)I enrolled Austin in a class for Thursday. I am very excited to go with him. It's through Gymboree Play and Music. First class is free, so we will see if the cost is worth going back every week.

8.)We got Austin's bloodwork done last week and he was a tough cookie. I made Jason sit with him and hold him down as I paced the room and hallway peeking to see if he was ok. He did great and only cried for a few seconds. Afterward we went to the store and got one of those cool carts that looks like a car with cartoons playing inside. He was so excited to be in it that he was giggling and screaming playing inside of it while we shopped.

9.)I can't get Austin to take a sippy cup and he is almost 1! I can't force him, but I will work with him everyday. When he is ready he will take it.

10.)Grandma De did a "practice day" and gave Austin a cupcake and let him go crazy with it. Here is a pic from it, too cute!

1 comment:

Peggy said...

I wish I had the motivation to work out like you do!

I LOVE your music! When I came to your blog just now, Jessica Simpson's 'Angel' was on. That is such a beautiful song.

Brandon won't take a sippy cup either:(