Thursday, March 1, 2007

Great Day!!

So far today has been very good. I started off the day waking up to the rainy thunderstorms. I LOVE stormy weather. I know its weird, I just do :) I went into the cervix clinic at 1:30 with Jason and my mom. This was my mom's first visit there, so she was excited to see the ultrasound. The cervix clinic is a research clinic that the government pays for. They are trying to get down to the reason women have preterm birth. They monitor contractions, take blood, urine sample, cultures, check the cervix and do an ultrasound. All of this information goes to researh and helps others too!

I got there and they put me on the monitor for contractions and some were showing up. I still deny that though because I couldn't feel them and everytime they were showing up the baby was kicking. I think it was just him moving, but I couldn't convince the nurse or doctor of it. From there I got the blood work done ( just one poke!! ) and it's the last time they are taking it. Not that it matters, I am so used to it by now. After that I went into the ultrasound and they checked out the baby. It was great, we saw his ears, face, and of course after a sec he covered it with his hand as always. The sonographer told us it looked like he has a dimple on his chin... so cute! Oh and for the first time, I saw that he has a full head of hair. Then we saw the "boy parts" and all I have to say about that is Jason was proud, hahaha. I can't wait to meet Austin.

After all of that was the scary part, the cervix check. The doctor checked and it was still the same. I was so excited. It was longer than last time too. It was 15mm. Thats great news for me. The doctor said he wasn't worried about my contractions because I am so far along now and they haven't done any damage. He said I am in a safe place to deliver, so it's no biggie. I just have to go in if I am in labor. Until then I can just relax and even get up and do more, but not too much.

After that we went to Big Boy and it was yummy! Looking forward to Grey's Anatomy tongiht. I am just going to relax and wait now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.