Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Full Term and False Alarm

Some pics before the rush to the hospital for the false alarm...grrrr

Today I feel fulfilled, I have finally hit the full term mark - 37 weeks. I never ever thought it was possible for me, but I did it.

I had a false alarm last night. I started to feel contractions around 5pm, and they were painless and far apart. Then they started getting closer and closer together and painful. They were only 5 min apart. I thought for sure that was it. We packed bags and loaded the car, called people and everything. I was actually very relaxed and ready to go the delivery.

When I got there they put me on the monitor and they were showing up. The doctor checked me and said my cervix hasn't changed, so they sent me home. He said to come back if my contractions were strong and 5 min apart. I told him that is what they were doing right then. He said they weren't doing any damage so go home. I couldn't believe it. All this pregnancy I couldn't get them to leave me alone, now they are the least bit interested in me. What's up with that?

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