Friday, October 19, 2007

Will He EVER Get Better?

Ausitn started showing the symptoms of his cold again last night. I figured it would take him a while to get over it because we can't treat it, but Geez! His nose is really plugged up and he has the cough still. He isn't in the same nasty mood he was in last week though. He is refusing a bottle a lot, and that is just frustrating. I want to make sure he gets enough to eat, so I just force it on him and he finally gives in and eats. I know you are thinking I am over-feeding him and he just doens't want it, but I sware I'm not! We tried teh Sippy cup, but he doesn't get teh hang of it yet. He just plays with it and bites it. I guess I wasn't really expecting him to just pick it up and use it right away though. He will get the hang of it in time i'm sure, but in the meantime, he has to eat his bubba! We upgraded to level 2 of the solid foods. He had Mango's for the 1st time and ate it all up. I think he liked it!

Another bad thing about him being sick, he wont sleep through the night. He gets up 1-2 times a night really ticked off. I give him his bottle, change his diaper. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't and I have to stay up with him for a while. It's tough when I have to get up for work really early. On a good note - I am fine with him sleeping in his crib now and he likes it too. We just really have to get him to sleep through the night again!

Jason has this weekend off, so it should be really nice to all spend time together. Looking forward to it!

Until Next Time...

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