Monday, October 15, 2007

7 Months

Yesterday Austin turned 7 months old. He is doing really well, other than the fact he has been sick for a while. Poor little man just can't get it to go away and there isn't much you can do for a little one with a cold. I didn't know that! He still has the ear ache, but he is on meds for that. He gets very fussy and pulls at his ear when they are bothering him.

Anyway, he is still eating good and growing well. He loves to play with his toys and scoot around on the floor. We started to put him into his pack-n-play because sometimes he is just too curious and gets into everything! He still has not started to crawl, but I think he will any day now. He still gets up on all 4's and rocks back and forth. He is learning how to pull himself up and loves to climb all over Daddy and I. He started to sit up with no support at all and he does so well. He sometimes tips over, but he is starting to catch himself more and more. He was doing so well, I decided to give him a big boy bath and he loved it! He splashes a lot and really loves the water. He gets me soaked, but thats ok. He has a lot of fun. He is really zipping around in his walker. Poor Dante (our husky) gets chased all over the kitchen.

He is really starting to babble more now. I can't wait until he speaks his first word. It will probably be Dada, because he seems to be so amazed with his Daddy. Yesterday for the first time Austin didn't want Daddy to leave for work. Jason was trying to walk out the door and Austin was scooting toward him and reaching for him with a big smile on his face. It was too cute. Anytime Daddy is around, Austin's face just lights up. They already have that father-son bond going.

Austin's hair is getting long and turning blonde. I figured it would because both Jason and I were blonde when we were young. His eyes are such a nice shade of blue. They are a very deep blue. He is so handsome! We will see if that color stays. I think he is too young to tell, but I love the shade they are now.

Austin is doing ok, just have to get him feeling better. He goes back to the Doctor in 2 weeks to make sure he is gaining weight and feeling better. Now we are just trying to feel better and looking forward to VACATION!! We are going to Tennesse in less than 3 weeks!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on your new baby! As I was surfing the web I noticed what you had written about your child's ear problems. He may be suffering from ear pressure issues that are quite common in children.

I am the sales trainer for Micromedics and we make a device that treats this problem naturally, with air.

The device is called the EarPopper. It opens plugged up ears in adults and children and restores any associated hearing loss immediately.

If you son is showing no signs of an infection, he may just need the pressure released in his ears, not drugs or surgery.

Please visit and see if this device may be for you (it is prescription only).
I hope this helps.

Derek Lidbom
National EarPopper Sales Trainer
Eagan, MN