Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Trip to the Doctor

Austin was sick for the very first time. I handled it a lot better than I thought I would. On Friday I noticed a cough and runny nose. It was even worse on Saturday, he had a low grade fever and his cough was very deep and sounded like it hurt. On Monday morning I called the Doctor and she wanted to see him. I took him in later in the day and the visit wasn't too bad. He checked out good and she said he did not have to be treated at this point. He didn't have an ear infection, that is what I was worried about because he was pulling at his ears. The Doctor thinks he is having the cough and symptoms because of teething and a tiny cold. We don't see any teeth yet, but we are thinking any time.

Austin has gained 12oz in 2 1/2 weeks! That is so cool! He is now at 17lb 12oz.

I am thinking Austin is going to be crawling at any time now. He gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth. He seems very determined to move around by crawling instead of that army crawl. He is doing good other than this weekend with the cold. He has been a bit fussy, but I am too when I don't feel good.

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