Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Wonderful Wednesday

Haven't posted in a while. I am FINALLY getting back into the swing of things. I am not as stressed out as I have been. Taking care of Austin is getting easier and easier. Before I was scared that I would "break" him. I am so glad to be a little bit back to normal.

One bad thing is I am back to work. Although it is good to be back, it is so hard to leave Austin for 9 hours a day. My mom is watching him and that is wonderful. I love that he is with someone I know and trust. Who better than mom??

Austin goes to the doctor today with my mom for an eye infection. He has a lot of build up and yuckie yellow slime on his eye. I called the doctor to get him in and the nurse said just to rub his eye and keep warm compress on it and it should be fine. She must have not known she was talking to a worried new mommy - I made sure to get him in right away. Better tobe safe than sorry, right? I am sure he is fine, but I would rather hear it from a doctor. Austin has been on Zantac for his reflux. He is doing wonderful on that. I think he even likes the taste of the medicine :) No more spit up/screaming in pain/coughing. HE still gets hic-ups a little, but thats ok.

I can't wait to hear how much he weighs. He is getting so big. I have been enjoying dressing him in his adorable outfits. He is just a sweetheart. His mood is not as fully and he is awake a lot more during the day. Oh!!! And he sleep 6-8 hours though the night!!! That is WONDERFUL.

Thats about all for now!

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