Tuesday, May 15, 2007

11 - 11

Austin went to the doctor today for his 2 month well baby chcek-up. It went very well and I am happy to say I didn't drill the doctor with questions this time. Austin weighs 11lbs 11oz today! 11-11 means a lot to Jason and I. Every time I see the clock hit 11:11 I pray and send special wishes to heaven to Autumn. Jason and I first started trying for a baby on Nov 11 (11/11/05). I know it sounds cheesy, but it's just one of those things.

Anyway, all went well at the doctor, for the most part anyway. We did find out he has swlooed testicles. I know there is a name for it, but I can't remember what she said. It should go away on it's own, for rare cases he might need surgery when he gets to be 1 year old. I am not going to worry about that though!

After she did her check up and he passed he had to get all his shots :( As we were waiting for the doctor Austin started to coo a lot. It was so adorable! He was in such a good mood and this was the most I have seen him coo ever. I felt horrible when the doctor came in and gave him 4 shots. He was a trooper though, cried a lot then he was ok. A little out of it, but I would be too after 4 shots.

We decided to get his 2 month pics taken at JC Penney after that. Maybe not such a good idea after all! He fussed so bad, we had to leave to feed him and come back. We could only get 4 good poses, but thats ok. I was happy to get him out of there.

All in all Austin is doing great. I took 2 days off to spend some quality time with him and it has been nice. I wish I could be here all of the time with him :)

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