Saturday, October 25, 2008

1st Fever

Poor Austin hasn't been feeling well since yesterday. Last night his fever spiked up to 102.3. Of course I called the Doctor and they wanted to see him first thing in the morning.No I didn't call after hours, they were still open. I gave him some Motrin and my mom came over to help me out since he was sick. She put him in the tub for a cool bath to break the fever and it worked well. He was playing and happy so I wasn't too worried. I put him down at 9 and he slept until 2am. Then the crabby fussy guy awoke and stayed away until 5am! Of course Jason slept right through that.

Jason took him in to the Doc this morning and his fever wasn't too high maybe 100.4. He checked out fine other than dehydrated. They said to keep an eye on him and bring him back if it doesn't stop in a couple days. Of course now that the sun is going down his fever has spiked again. We couldn't get him to eat anything until Jason made him a egg and cheese omlette, and he gobbled that up. Hoping for a better night. Lots of Cuddles, kisses and liquids for my little guy.

Here is Nana and Austin after his bath yesterday.

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