Friday, August 10, 2007

Austin's Birth Story

So, I was thinking and I realized that I never added Austin's Birth Story on here.

One reason is how overwhelming a new baby can be. My every second went to him, then before you know it I went back to work, and blah blah blah.

Anyway, I really want to document it, not that I will EVER forget it, but there could be tiny details I want to rememebr and look back on. And of course I have to document it, for Austin!!

So...back to March 14, 2007. I had an appointment with Dr. Mehta and she told me a week before that she would, "Try to get things started" at my next appiontment. I knew what it meant, but at the same time I didn't. I couldn't believe that I would ever get induced. Not me, the girl who went into the hosital 5 plus times with preterm labor!! So anyway, I went in really early with Jason and my mom. I had a feeling it would be that day, but I just didn't want to believe it. After everything I have been though it was hard to believe there was going to be a Happy Ending.

We started out going to Dunkin Donuts so Jason could get something to eat, which was a really good idea considering the day we had before us. I didn't eat, too nervous. That was a big mistake! We got there at about 8:30am and I was so nervous that I could hardly stand it. The doctor came in and checked me, and said it was time and she was going to send me over to Labor and Delivery. I was so astonished that it really was time to have a normal labor and deliver a healthy full term baby. I had turned 37 weeks pregnant that day, which is full term.

We went over to the hospital, got settled in the room and got started on the meds to induce me. I thought it would be really fast after that, but it wasn't. I thought after all that bedrest and work of keeping the cervix shut, the meds would just make it really open fast. I started to have tiny contractions and they lasted for a little while. I chit-chatted with family and had a couple of visitors. I actually had a lot of visitors from the nurses and staff who helped me while I was there with all of my preterm labor visits. The whole floor was buzzing aroud excited that I was having my healthy, full-term baby boy.

Finally, the contractions started to get strong. I was a little uncomfortable. You have to remember that I have been having contractions since I was 20 weeks pregnant. My doctor, and all of the nurses told me I better get an epideral asap because I WILL need it. I was really freaked out about a needle going in my back, but I decided to go ahead and do it. How bad could it be? I have been poked tons this pregnancy and had two amnios. It can't be worse than poking a long needle though my belly into my uterus. Well, I was right, it wasn't that bad. I went almost numb from the waist down.

At this point, all I wanted to do was sleep. I was so relaxed and exhausted from the epideral. The nurse came in and was a little worried about Austin's Heart Rate. She thought he might be in distress so I was given oxygen. I was very worried at that point and thought maybe I would have to get a C-Section. I DID NOT want to get that, and was praying to God that he please not put me though it after everything else I have been through. I just wanted a normal happy delivery. Well, maybe they are happy after all the pain and pushing, not during.

It was afternoon sometime and my Doctor finally made it over to see me. At this point the contractions just stopped. She was concerned about it, but didn't say much. She knows I am the kind of person to freak out about the smallest scare because I have been freaking out a lot this pregnancy. I had been nicknamed Mrs. Anxiety by her and the nurses. She checked me and I was still the same when I saw her that morning. She told me to just have her paged and she will come when I was ready. She also decided to put me on a cathider since my legs were numb and couldn't get up to pee. I also had an internal monitor on Austin's head. Everything was down there, but I didn't care. I was on the best pain meds ever!

As soon as she left, she sent in another doctor to break my water. I didn't see how he was going to get in there with everything else, but he did. I didn't feel it at all. He said it was the clearest amniotic fluid he has ever seen. Taht was the strangest compliment I think I have ever received, lol! That made me happy, there was no infection. I was also frustrated because I was put through the agony of 2 amnios. But thats ok, it was all worth it! So a little bit of time went by and all of a sudden I was really hurting. I was feeling the contractions and I never felt that pain before. Even with the epideral they were hurting BAD. I was dealing with it for a couple of them. Well, that didn't last long. I told the nurse to get the doctor now!!! Dr. Mehta came in and checked me and I couldn't believe it, I was fully dialiated and ready to push. They got me ready and then it was time. I couldn't believe it, I was going to have my little boy. I thought the hardest part was done, and it would be so easy to push him out. YEAH RIGHT!!

Dr. Mehta looked at me and said, to push. I looked back at her like, huh? I was expecting coaching or something. I am the kind of person who needs that in those situations. Also, I have been on bedrest for 5 months and no strength to begin with. Well, I didn't really get it at first. I was pushing, and not much was happenening. I went through it about 10 times and I couldn't believe I didn't have him yet. I was exhausted! I had NO MORE energy to do this. My mom was on one side of me, and Jason on the other both holding my legs. The doctor was down there along with another doctor and 2 nurses were walking around the room. I was really pt on display.I really felt like at one point I was boring the doctor! I asked if anything was happening yet, and she said I was doing great. With every question that was the answer. You are doing great. At first I believed it, but at this point I was exhausted and just didn't want to hear it. She told me to feel down there and she could see the head. I thought he was almost out. So I felt and I could only feel a tiny little part of the top of his head. I was so frustrated and told them there were crazy! I was no where near done.

So, I kept on pushing and pushing and pushing and..... it just went on and on. It was really hurting and I think they turned off my epideral (not really, but it sure felt like it.) I was starting to really feel pain in my lower back and couldn't stand it anymore. I was screaming VERY loud with every push and telling them I couldn't do it anymore! I tried to look over and my moms shirt and focus on the angel she was wearing. That didn't last for too long. They always say find a focal point, but it didn't work for me. Nothing was working and I couldn't push that baby out! My dad, Jason's dad and Mark were all in the hallway listening to me. They said I was screaming so loud a nurse and to come and shut the door because I was scaring the other pacients.

At last, I was getting some support other than my mom. Poor Jason was in shock and scared with me screaming and in so much pain. He did not know what to do. The doctors were screaming for me to push. Another nurse came in and she would throw my head up and hold my back and not let me stop. This is what I needed, some motivation. I was at the point where I actually WANTED the scary C-Section. Anything was better than going through this torture. I was crying and so frustrated. I was losing concentration and drive to push that baby out. Another nurse came it, she was my favorite from all those other visits to the Hospital. She was wonderful! So, I had the support and everyone was screaming at me to push. It may sound crazy, but it helped out alot.

Finally after over an hour of pushing, Austin was born around 4:30pm. It was all a blur at this point. All of a sudden everyone was telling me to look at my baby and I saw a blue little chunky baby boy!!! I have been dreaming of this moment ever since I lost Autumn. I just wanted to have a healthy baby and hear him cry. Then I realized I didn't hear a cry. I kept listening and listening and then there it was. My little boy was here!!! I couldn't hold him right away. Jason cut the cord, even though he really didn't want to. He doesn't like that kind of thing. The doctor pushed him to do it. Austin was taken to the other side of the room and there were NICU doctors working on him making sure he was healthy and the lungs were fully developed. I thought for sure they were going to take him to the NICU, but they didn't!! He was perfect and he was handed to me all bundled up and adorable. I was so excited and overwhelmed with love. I was holding my healthy perfect son!!! Before I knew it the room filled with our family. It was so nice. My sisters were there, Brandon, Jacob, My dad, Jason's dad, my mom, Mark. Austin was passed around the room and tons of pics were taken. I twas one of the best experiences of my life. I remember Austin being passed to me, and Jason was there. We just looked at each other and that spoke more words than anyone could ever say. There was an understanding, a great feeling. Thank You God for Belssing me with Austin and my Family.

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