Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Good Appointment :)

I had my doctor visit today, 35 week check up. It went really well. My blood pressure was a little high, but they think it's the "white coat syndrome." I got an exam to make sure no infection for delivery and she checked my cervix again and it's still the same...1-2cm dialiated. I was happy to hear it! She said to get up and move around more but take it easy. I got permission to go out a little and not have to constantly lay around when i'm at home. She chatted for a few and then gave me her number so I can call her when it's time so she can be there.

One bad thing about today is I had a horrible hot flash while I was waiting for her. I'm not sure if I was just nervous or what, but I haven't been that hot ever. I'm at the point where I'm just miserable and can't wait to have him.

After the doc we decided to go to the mall, haven't been in months. I rented a wheel chair and Jason and my mom just walked around with me for a little bit. I wasn't out too long and didn't buy anything, but it was nice to get out. I am exhausted.

Now I just have to get past the cervix clinic appt tomorrow. They seem to always send me to Labor and Delivery :( Hopefully everything goes good though cause it was good today.

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