Tuesday, September 23, 2008

All that Freaking out for nothing

Wow I have really been lagging on the blog. Funny because I have nothing but time. I guess I have been lacking the motivation. Anyway, I went to the Doc last week and everything was perfect. I was worrying for nothing. My cervix was very long at 4.3cm. Anything over 3 is good so I was doing really well. It was closed and holding strong. At this point when I was pregnant with Austin I was in bad shape already. So, I am feeling very positive. Of course I also got the news on the sex of the baby. I will post that later with the ultrasound pics. I know I am horrible! I don't go in again until next week, and I am not worrying about it at all. I could have a normal pregnancy, but it's way too soon to tell.

1 comment:

Peggy said...

I am so happy to hear everything is alright! I am looking forward to hearing about the sex of the baby:)