Wednesday, September 5, 2007

5 1/2 Months

So, Austin is just over 5 1/2 months. Time flies when you're having fun!! He is doing great, really growing. He is in some 9 month clothes already because he is so long! I haven't measured him, but he goes to the doc soon and you know I will post weight and length.

Austin is changing so much. Some milestoes he has hit in the last month include:

*Sitting up and balancing well. Not perfect, but pretty good!

*Almost crawling...He gets the concept, just can't quite do it yet. He really does scoot and get around the whole living room though! Guess it's time to baby proof!!

*He loves to Scream at the top of his lungs, and he loves to do it for a long time. Who knows what the neighbors think, lol!

*We are going to "intorduce" some food to him today. When I say food I mean actual food, not just formula. I wonder what he will do?? Hopefully he likes it!

*Loves to walk with help. He takes steps if you hold his hands while he is standing. I think its adorable, but then again I am mommy and I think anything he does is adorable...for now.

*He has graduated to size 4 diapers already! The three's used to be so big and roomy, but not anymore!

*Everything goes into his mouth, no matter what it is. He likes to bitle on everything..maybe it's teething time?? We will see! I can't picture him with teeth yet. It is just too soon! I guess he has to grow up :(

*He likes when we tease him and tickle him, and make funny noises like piggy and doggy noises. It will usually get a giggle out of him. He has the cutest giggle!!

So, all in all it has been a good couple of weeks with Austin. He is doing great and his mood has been wonderful. He sleeps through the night. He might wake up a couple times for some cuddling, but thats ok. I don't mind. He is eating good and growing good so I guess I can't ask for much more!

Update you soon!!

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