Thursday, March 27, 2008

12 Month Check-Up

Yesterday was Austin's 12 Month well visit. It was a good one, we got to see our favorite Doctor. She is so good with Austin and doesn't mind talking to us. She made sure Austin was sleeping in his crib (has been for a long time) and said to push the sippy cup a lot more. Austin doesn't care much for his sippy. We went drastic on Austin and tried to switch from formula to whole milk a couple weeks ago. It didn't work out so well! Austin hated it and refused to drink it. We have been mixing bottles here and there and he does much better. We will just have to slowly sneak the milk on him - and the sippy cup. This will be a challenge.

His weight is awesome - 23lbs. He is average for everything accept weight, he is above there.

She said his hemmangioma (bump on head) seems to be going down. We are so used to poeple making comments that he bumped his head. I don't even correct them anymore.

He did ok with his shots. He was playing with Dad while laying on the table. He was so happy and giggling, then he got the 1st poke and he looked so shocked. He was trying to cry, but so upset nothing was coming out. By the time the 4th poke came, he was beside himself crying and screaming. He looked and the nurse in terror as she left the room. She felt so bad :( He didn't cry for too long, and was back to himself soon.

Once we got home I decided to give him some dinner. He ate all his yummy dinner, tilted his head to the side, gave me a weird face and vomited ALL over the high chair. I thought he was done and rushed over to get a towel, but he was not done at all. More yuckies just came flowing. I have never seen him vomit like a big boy, lol.

When he was finished, I rushed him to the bath and he was giggling and playing happily in the water. Even when he came out of the bath he seemed ok, no fever. He was extra cuddly and loveable, but I didn't mind that.

I called and spoke with the nurse this morning and she said vomiting is not a side affect from the shots. She thought he must have caught something while in the Doctors office! I really don't think he did though, he seems totally fine today other than very calm and relaxed.


Jill said...

That is awesome that you have such a great Dr. Makes a huge difference!
He is a nice big boy too! All that good food mommy feeds him. :)
I know exactly what you mean about the puking - N&C have done the same thing and then are fine. Sometimes I think they just get SO full that the seams burst. But maybe he did get a little touch of nausea from the shots. So hard to tell. At least he is feeling better now!

Peggy said...

Dawn, I missed you!
Sounds like a great visit:)
Poor Austin. At least he does not seem sick at all.
how was the walk?

Peggy said...

Dawn - how is Austin?