Friday, September 14, 2007

6 Months

My baby is 6 months old! I am so happy, he is half way to one. He is such a sweet baby.

A lot has changed in a couple of weeks. He is up on all fours now and kind of rocking back and forth. He scoots so well I think it is only a matter of time before he is crawling all over the house. We have to keep it clean at all times now, which I guess is a good thing!

Austin loves his food!! He started with sweet potatoes and now he has had peas, green beans, squash, prunes and pears. He loves them all. I actually think he likes the veggies better than the fruit. He can't get enough of it. He sure likes to make a mess when eating. It's cute! Snickers is always nearby when its eating time. She sneaks in a few licks here and there when I'm not looking.

Austin is no longer scooting in the walker, he full out runs in it and slams into things. He gets the hang of it pretty well, other than running over feet and stopping.

I think it's officially teething time! We will see when a tooth pops through.

He went to the doctor yesterday for his well baby 6 month check up. It was ok, other than we were 15 min late and had to wait a little while because of Jason..GRRR

Anyway, it was a good visit. Austin weighed 17lbs and he was 26 1/2in long. He is still right in the middle of the chart and growing perfect. The doc checked him out and he was great. No more heart murmur. He is doing everything he should be doing at this point and the doc was very pleased. She gave me some advice on feeding him solids and then we talked about the bump on his head. After much research, I am correct with my diagnosis - Cavernous Hemangioma. It might go away on its own, or it may need surgery later on in life. I don't know what will happen, but I do know one thing...I am tired of worrying about it.

He did wonderful with his 6 month shots. He cried for less that 3 minutes and he was all smiles and happy baby again. He is a tough boy, nothing like his mother :) He did not have any side affects at all from the shots this time. I gave him some childrens tylenol just incase he was in pain, but he was great!

He won't go back to the doc until 9 Months!! See if we can last a while 3 months without a visit!!

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