Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Busy Day

Austin went to the doctor again today for shots and check on his reflux. He still has it and he is going on Zantac to help him feel better. I hope it takes his discomfort away :( On a good note, he weighs 9lb 12oz, he gained 8oz in 6 days. Thats super good!!

After the doctor appt, I went out with him for the first time just us two. I have been scared to do it because I don't want him to start screaming in the middle of the store, lol. It wasn't bad, we started off at Toys R Us and that was good. This is the same Toys R Us I went to as a child, so there was something special about taking my baby there for the first time. After that we went to Meijer to fill his perscription. He started to cry while we were there. Good thing I could leave really fast after dropping off the perscription.

Today was my nephew's 7th Birthday. He is really growing up! We all went to Port Huron for a Birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. It was nice, and he did so well for such a really long drive. Happy Birthday Jared!! Tomorrow is my other nephew's Birthday, Brandon. Can you believe between me and my sisters there are 7 Boys!! There are enough for a hockey team lol!!!

I off to clean the messy house now that we are home. Hopefully Austin will let me get some good sleep tonight.


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