Jason and I have been going back and forth over a name for the baby for quite some time now. I was throwing a lot of names out there but Jason rejected each and every one of them, typical guy. Well, we both finally sat down and each made a seperate list of 10 names. I actually only came up with 7 names and Jason about 12 or so. Go figure!! Anyway we each read our lists off one name at a time and narrowed it down to the names we both liked and both had on the list. It was as follows...
1. Savannah
2. Kayla
3. Gabrielle
4. Isabelle
And her name is...
Kayla Gabrielle Rockett
It may seem silly to some to name a baby before they are born, but we like to give our Children a name as soon as possible. It's a good feeling. So no longer baby girl, she is now Kayla. I am excited to meet her, but I want her to wait a couple more months.
I had a couple scares this week, but I was checked out twice and all is still well. On Monday I was concerned my water broke and had cramping, but no change to cervix and water did not break. Then on Thursday I went in because I had a few contractions the night before. Still no change to cervix. There was one scary thing, but it may be nothing. The baby is putting more pressure on the cervix now and feels lower. It may be no big deal and she could go back up. I go in on Wednesday for an ultrasound and check to make sure all is still well. I am in a good place and very calm about everything. Even if I go into the Hospital for a while, it's all for her and thats ok with me. I feel very lucky to have made it so far and to still be in a good place. It is getting tough to just lay around all day everyday, but it's not the worst thing. My muscles have turned to mush and my body aches way more than it should for someone my age. Only a bit further to go, I believe they will lift some restrictions at 34 weeks, so I am looking forward to that!